Friday, December 19, 2008

The first "semester" as an HDC staffer has come to a close. Christmas break is here and each of us will go home for a few weeks over Christmas. Ryan is now finished as a staffer after serving for over a year (He started the day before I got here last year for training). It is a lot of fun to think back over the last four months, remembering some of the many things that have happened. Thanks for your prayers during this time.

After break, things will look a lot different. A lot of time and effort will be going towards two recruiting trips that are being planned currently. They would be about two weeks long, and at this point we are looking at going to Kansas and Iowa one one trip and Indiana and Ohio on the other (the second is less certain). We would be going to a few colleges and a churches where we have some contacts to recruit people for staff positions, team leaders, YES participants, and other EMM missions related programs. Details other than these are still being worked out, but it has given us as staff a sense of direction for the winter months.

I will also be volunteering at Center For Champions (an after school program) two days a week after Christmas break. This is the same place that I did community outreach during my training last year.

So that's a bit about what we will be doing over the winter months (since I've been asked a lot). Hopefully it gives you a better idea of what will be going on here.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Iowa? Will you be in our area?? See you in one and a half weeks.