Friday, July 17, 2009

Wrap Up and Beginning

Today I find myself in an interesting point of transition, a simultaneous wrap up of beginnings and endings. Beginning this weekend, 3 YES teams return for 2 weeks of re-entry...which is in itself, an ending. Beginning is a time of being with good friends fresh off a unique experience; seeing ways they have changed and grown. Yet ending is the YES experience. Even though they've been away for eight months, there's still a sense of connectedness after having been here for training with them and knowing they'd be coming back. In two weeks, they head off their own ways, and we go ours, or in my case, don't go.

This past week, we realized suddenly, was the last week of just the four of us volunteer staff. The next two weeks, the afor mentioned teams will be here, and shortly after that, a new staff member will be joining us (yeah Melanie!). And a few weks later, we'll have a whole new staff. And before long, it's time to get ready for the fall training. Which is a whole new beginning.

So here I am, the business of the past week or two having kept me 'till a few days ago unaware of the amount of jumbled upcoming transition. So here it comes. Perhaps it's better that way. Overthinking and overdreading is usually what makes change and transition difficult. So as things come, take them, and as they go, say "'till later."

So that's a bit of what I'm thinking about this morning. As for the past month and a half, well, lists are boring, so I guess it'll be a black hole in this blog's history. And hopefully there won't be any more that big.

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