Thursday, March 12, 2009

This is just a quick note that I have started a personal blog in addition to this one. I will continue to update this blog with, well, "updates." I started a new one because while I didn't mind posting a random thing or two about the Super Bowl or what I'd do as President, the purpose of this blog is to update people on what's going on here at HDC (hence the title "Ben at HDC"), and to have a blog that I could continue using after my HDC tenure. In short, the new blog is to be creative outlet for things I write that don't fall under the category of "Ben at HDC." I'll be writing about basically anything that crosses my mind and feels worth writing about (if you have any suggestions for topics, feel free to leave them as comments and I'll consider it, though I'll make no promises. They say inspiration is the hardest part, so if you can think of the topic for me...).
It is: (linked to the left).


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